Monthly Cost Calculator

Custom online calculator for calculate the cost for month services.

NOTE!!! This is the example calculator that you can create uses the WordPress Plugin Calculator Builder

Protected Computer Quantity
Would you like for us to provide Network and Network Access Protection? This will count against the quantity of computers chosen above.
Managed Mobile Device Security Quantity ($14/device)
What regulatory frameworks would you like for us to provide monthly device level reporting for? This helps your business be aware of compliance and security best practice issues on your devices. This will count against the quantity of computers chosen above.
How many users do you need Edge Aspect to provide a business email address? A business email address in Office 365 or Google Workspace is required for any Cloud Storage or Cloud Account protection. If you already have Office 365 or Google Workspace, leave this at 0. ($6/user)
Protect Cloud Storage and Account Quantity? Shared mailboxes are included and do not need to be counted here. Only include users who are licensed in Office 365 or Google Workspace.
What cloud security add-ons do you need? This will count against the quantity of users chosen above.

Transparent Pricing Calculator
I am interested in affordable small business cybersecurity.

    0 Number of calculations